First Ladies’ Luncheon
/Jill Holland, Anita Kaye Archer, Kristen Chambers & Nikki Pritchard
Story & Photography by Molly Warren & Lindsay Kilburn
The First Ladies Luncheon was held Thursday, April 18, at the Jackson Fairgrounds. The event, presented by United Way of West Tennessee, has become a favorite tradition in Jackson and West Tennessee. Table sponsors had the opportunity to create unique tablescapes. All were incredible, and some represented business brands while others celebrated beauty and creativity. Lunch was provided by Gourmet Your Way and Taste of Liberty. Over 35 celebrity servers; gentlemen who are pillars in the community, graciously served the meal.
There was a record-breaking attendance of over 1,100 guests and over 130 tables sponsored to support United Way. The keynote speaker, Grammy-nominated artist Valerie June Hockett from Humboldt, gave a fabulous performance and a moving address. Guests viewed a testimonial video from United Way and heard from CEO Matt Marshall. Ebony Taylor brought everyone to their feet as she performed musical selections that truly moved the crowd. This year’s luncheon did not disappoint and directly benefited United Way of West Tennessee a non-profit that is crucial for our community.