Friends of Scouting Dinner
/Chuck Miller, Rep. Jimmy Eldridge, Clif Morris, Bobby Bell, Sen. Ed Jackson, Dr. Logan Hampton, David Hunt & Hoyt Hayes
Story & Photography by Rosy Roberts
The West Tennessee Area Council-Boy Scouts of America conducted its annual Friends of Scouting Dinner at Hope Hall on the campus of Northside United Methodist Church. The featured speaker was Mr. Bobby Bell, All-American Outland Trophy winner from the University of Minnesota who played in Super Bowl I and IV. He was the first Kansas City Chief elected into the NFL’s Hall of Fame. The Boy Scouts appreciate the leadership of Dr. Keith Nord, who serves as Chairman of the Friends of Scouting campaign, and was responsible for Mr. Bell’s appearance and to Dr. Bob Carney, Council Advancement Chairman responsible for Eagle Scout recognitions.
The event was combined with the Boy Scout’s annual Eagle Scout Banquet. The council proudly recognized 84 scouts who attained their Eagle rank in 2015. In addition, businessman Charles “Chuck” Miller was recognized as the Class of 2015 Eagle Scout Honoree along with three other adult volunteers who received the West Tennessee Area Council’s highest award for volunteer service called the Silver Beaver Award. Those recipients were James Douglas of Ripley, William McClain of Atoka, and Emery White, Jr. of Savannah, TN.
Over 500 attendees enjoyed a meaningful and memorable evening highlighting the accomplishments of Scouting in the twenty Tennessee counties served by the West Tennessee Area Council.