Whine & Dine
/Back: Phillip Pigue, Matt Childress, Dale Childress, Lance McGee, Elvis Rogers, Katie Gonzales, Lauren McGee, Micki Page & Bennie McGee
Front: Lynn Loflin, Addie Wilson, Misty Gordon, Mary Bersey, Lynn Caldwell ,Sandra Rogers, Julie Walker, Jacqueline Tallent, Edie McGee, Tammy Askew & Brook Beaston
Story & Photography by Woody Woodard
The 18th annual Whine & Dine fundraiser for the Jackson-Madison County Humane Society was held at The Aeneas Building. Guests were treated to wine, moonshine and beer tasting and a coffee bar to complement the hors d’oeuvres. Multiple tables were filled with silent auction items and on the patio entertainment was provided by the Shifty Nixon Band. Thanks to all the people who gave of their time to organize this event.
Lynn Caldwell dedicates days to hold these fundraiser events that benefit our furry friends. The Pet Parade gave the attendees a firsthand look at the animals they are supporting. Donating to this worthy cause will ensure a better life for the pets we adore and love!