WTH Foundation Charity Gala Patron’s Party
/Diane Norton & Jim Norton
Story by Woody Woodard and Lyda Kay Ferree. Photography by Woody Woodard
The lovely Oakmont House was the setting for the 2016 Patrons Party held on November 11 for the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation. The hosts were Robert Walden and Jim Norton.
As the guests entered the warm and welcoming home, they were given a glass of champagne and Benjamin Duffy entertained them at the baby grand piano in the foyer of the home. The dining table was laden with attractively presented, delicious food prepared by the popular caterer, Me & My Tea Room. The maple brown sugar bacon, stacked on a large platter, was a hit with the guests.
“The objective of the annual Patrons Party is to raise money for the Kirkland Cancer Center and the Ayers Children’s Medical Center and to thank our sponsors and congratulate the recipients of the Jackson Awards,” said Frank McMeen, President of the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation.
The Jackson Award recipients are as follows: Jacque Hillman: The Arts; Jerry Gay: Community Service; Stuart Hirstein: Education; Carl Rudd: Health Care; Curtis Mansfield: Leadership; and Darren Lykes: Volunteer Service. Libby Murphy, a former chairman of the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation Gala, was memorialized.