Go Red for Women
/Dr. Sandra Dee Crosnoe & Jimmy Crosnoe
Story & Photography by Woody Woodard
West Tennessee’s Go Red for Women was held at the Carl Perkins Civic Center to a standing-room-only crowd. Female heart disease survivors were recognized including Savannah Conley, a very young mother and wife whose maternal side of the family had severe heart disease. On the evening of the dinner, Savannah was present with her new heart and her young daughter to walk the survivor runway with joy and pride. Approximately $197,000 was raised for the Heart Association.
The astonishing news is that women’s heart disease and strokes now claim more women’s lives than all forms of cancer. Age is not as much of a factor as family history and keen awareness of your health. Schedule an appointment with your doctor for your heart checkup—delaying these checkups can be costly. To have a good quality of life you must be diligent in preventative medicine practices as the alternatives are most debilitating.