VIProfile: Dr. George Pimentel
/President of Jackson State Community College
Story by Lyda Kay Ferree, The Southern Lifestyles Lady. Photography by Woody Woodard.
Dr. George Pimentel
Dr. George Pimentel serves as President of Jackson State Community College in Jackson, Tennessee. Before joining Jackson State in July 2020, he was the Vice President of Academic Affairs for Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin, Tennessee. In his role as Chief Academic Officer at VSCC, he worked to improve their retention and graduation efforts, which led to national recognition in a new film series “Voices of Pathways: A Series About Community Colleges and Transformational Change.” A proponent of quality online education, he led the effort to improve online learning and access. He led the way for the implementation and use of the Guided Pathways System (GPS). Both students and faculty are benefiting from this approach that impacts student preparedness, engagement, retention, and completion. Dr. Pimentel’s interest in championing the GPS model is focused on student success and providing a clearer pathway towards graduation.
Dr. Pimentel has held several other positions in higher education including Professor of History, Dean of the Social Science Division, and Director of the Honors Program.
Dr. Pimentel earned his Doctorate in History from Middle Tennessee State University. His focus areas include Material Culture and Medieval History, focusing on the concepts of feudalism as a form of government. He was nominated for the Middle Tennessee State University Outstanding Graduate in 2016 and 2018. Dr. Pimentel also served in the U.S. Army.
When not behind his desk, George enjoys spending time with his wife, children, and grandchildren. His hobbies include reading, cycling, and playing guitar. He spends his free time at the beach where he enjoys all types of water sports including scuba diving, swimming, and shelling.
George Pimentel
VIP: What appealed to you about leaving Middle Tennessee and Volunteer State Community College for a new position in a new city and a new region of our state? Had you visited Jackson, TN previously?
Dr. George Pimentel: As part of the Tennessee Board of Regents system, I knew many from Jackson State. I knew about Jackson State’s excellent reputation and the great faculty and staff who worked here. I’m familiar with the area, and my wife is originally from Memphis and still has family in West Tennessee. I thought this would be an excellent place to live and expand my experiences.
VIP: What are your top priorities as the new President of Jackson State Community College?
GP: COVID-19 has really changed the landscape for all the colleges and universities. Unfortunately, the pandemic is preoccupying everyone’s time right now. My priorities focus on how we can support our students in our service area and really increase our connection with our community and ensure our success.
Academically, our plan for this coming spring is threefold. We have traditional online courses, FLEX Courses which involve using Zoom technology, and finally, a hybrid format that combines online instruction with limited on-campus sessions focusing on skills. Hybrid courses are limited to the areas of health science, computer science, and nursing. These courses require hands-on experience.
By limiting the number of students on campus at any given time, we can ensure social distancing and better manage personal contact during this time of COVID-19.
VIP: What challenges are the COVID-19 crisis presenting the college? Are more students and faculty working from home now? For how long?
GP: To help keep everyone safe, we are utilizing online instruction and advising more. We have invested in providing laptops to students who need them. Unfortunately, we have a limited supply but hope to help students as much as possible. We have extended internet service into the parking lots at all our sites so students have access. We are also developing a plan for appointment-based use of a computer lab.
VIP: Do you have a feel for the fall enrollment figure?
GP: Currently, we are down about 18 percent, but I think that number will improve. A lot of students have recently applied. Sometimes the paperwork process lags behind because of the pandemic. Classes began on August 24.
“Jackson State is dedicated to helping our students through the pandemic and meeting their needs in the future.”
VIP: Jackson is fortunate to have several colleges and universities. What sets JSCC apart from the other local and area colleges and universities?
GP: Jackson State provides several opportunities for students. JSCC has short-term certificate programs and AAS programs designed to prepare students for careers quickly. We have several Health Science programs which prepare students for immediate employment.
In addition to these programs, we have the Tennessee Transfer Pathways to provide students an associate degree in various majors, which will transfer to universities locally and across the state.
Why choose Jackson State? We provide an excellent education that focuses on smaller class sizes, personal tutoring, and a caring faculty and staff who are dedicated to student success. We have several scholarship programs such as Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect that provide tuition-free education.
VIP: What changes do you envision for JSCC in the next 5-10 years?
GP: I do not think that anyone would have predicted a pandemic five years ago. However, it has taught us some valuable lessons. In the future, I see Jackson State expanding its quality in online education in both traditional online and FLEX options. Our online advising and tutoring (using Zoom technology) will continue. This option can help students receive the help they need without traveling back to campus. This option is geared toward students who work during the day or have commitments that make it difficult for them to return to one of our campuses. Utilizing this technology, they can receive face-to-face help they need to be successful. Looking forward, we will be more efficient in what we do and provide more services online. Meeting our students’ needs is our focus and providing them the education and training they will need in the years to come.
VIP: What are your hobbies?
GP: All manner of water sports including scuba diving. My happy place is the beach. I also enjoy spending time with my family, reading, cycling, and playing the guitar.
VIP: Do you have favorite travel destinations?
GP: My wife and I like to spend time at the beach and enjoy cruises quite a bit. We have taken a variety of Caribbean cruises. We often travel to Panama City Beach for quick trips to the beach with some longtime friends.
What to Know
Jackson State Community College
2046 North Parkway
Jackson, TN 38301
(731) 425-2602
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn