First Ladies’ Luncheon
/The Women’s Leadership Council
Story by Molly Warren, Photography by Molly Warren, Lindsay Kilburn & Submitted
The 10th Annual First Ladies’ Luncheon was held at the Jackson Fairgrounds on April 13, 2023. It was the largest turnout in the event’s history. There were 126 tables that were beautifully decorated by each sponsor.
This event celebrates the extraordinary work of women in the West Tennessee area. The keynote speaker was Meg Kinnard, a 7th -generation Tennessean and a national politics reporter for The Associated Press, reporting on the Southern United States.
She shared her experience of being misdiagnosed for breast cancer locally, but she sought a second opinion at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. She has survived the cancer and is committed to urging others to advocate for themselves and helping to ensure the opportunity to seek a second opinion at a leading cancer center is available to more people.
This event is a fundraiser for United Way, whose mission is to advocate for equity through uniting agencies in ways that improve each person’s access to health, education, and financial stability. To learn more about United Way visit