Circles of Hope Telethon
/Tom Britt, Julie Cooke & Keith Sherley
Story & Photography by Woody Woodard
The Circles of Hope Telethon 2019 by the Jackson Exchange Club was appropriately held at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. This year’s theme was “Our Color, Our Story, Our Journey.” The Exchange Club began in 1924 as an American Service Club, and Carl Perkins was instrumental in The Prevention of Child Abuse project. Over the years the initial program has evolved to encompass other aspects for the children. The Exchange Club Carl Perkins Center is a non-profit organization located at 34 Starlight Cove off North Highland and University Drive. To make a donation or inquiry, call (731) 668-4000.
From 1:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. there was a long list of bands that played acoustic music. Over sixteen West Tennessee counties have held fundraisers during the year to raise this year’s total of $1,416,105. There is another amazing aspect to the Telethon, and it is the large number of people who have dedicated their time to ensure the success of this vital organization.
Numerous mayors attend the telethon to support their organizations, and a church car club is present to donate to the telethon. Our sincere thanks to each of the individuals who were a part of this great endeavor.