First Ladies' Luncheon
/Kristen Chambers, Becca Stevens & Anita Kay Archer
Story & Photography by Amanda Kyzar
The 9th Annual First Ladies’ Luncheon took place at the Jackson Fairgrounds on April 7, 2022 from 12-1pm. The First Ladies’ Luncheon is the largest annual fundraiser for the United Way of West Tennessee, and this year’s crowd was the largest yet. The luncheon is a tablescapes event, which means that each table is uniquely decorated by its sponsor. The doors open an hour early for attendees to enjoy previewing the creative and beautiful tables throughout the event space.
The First Ladies’ Luncheon celebrates the incredible work of women in the West Tennessee community. This year’s keynote speaker, Becca Stevens, is the founder of Thistle Farms, which grew from a single home for survivors of trafficking and addiction to a global movement for women’s freedom. The mission of United Way of West Tennessee is to advocate for equity through uniting agencies in ways that improve each person’s access to health, education, and financial stability. To learn about ways to be involved in the work they do, visit