I Am Jackson: Jenna King

I Am Jackson: Jenna King

I AM JACKSON because… 

I am passionate about philanthropy, scholarship, and giving back to the community that has supported me. Jackson is loving, kind, generous, and caring. The people of Jackson give their time, their God-given talents, resources, money, and love. They pray for others, not only for personal friends, but for complete strangers. Jacksonians are always lending a helping hand. They encourage our youth by saying yes when they are asked to support their schools, their sports teams, their educational trips, and their fundraisers. I know of no other town Jackson’s size that has as many fundraisers going on simultaneously as my town does.  

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Not-So-Secret Family Recipes & Holiday Hosting

Not-So-Secret Family Recipes & Holiday Hosting

We have enjoyed sharing our family recipes with you over the past few months, but December brings another layer. This time of year is full of events to attend and host, and the latter can be a bit overwhelming if you don't take it in stride. Let us help you! Greg and Allycin are excellent hosts, and do so often. I would trust any tips they have to give, and they recently hosted a Christmas dinner for some of their closest friends and let us take you along virtually. Get your markers ready to circle and note all of the things you'll want to try out at your own holiday soirée! We can't wait to hear how your dishes turn out and we'd love to know if you discover tips of your own! Share them with us on instagram @vipjacksonmagazine.

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I Am Jackson: Brad Little

I Am Jackson: Brad Little

I AM JACKSON because… 

I was born here, raised here, and am provided for here. I have been immersed in the fabric of this community and am in a unique position to have my finger on the pulse of our city’s heartbeat simply by listening, participating, and serving. I have a vested interest in seeing Jackson thrive, not only for my fellow Jacksonians, but for my employees, my friends, and my children. 

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